Tuesday 28 February 2012

Show Jumping Rider Attire at Olympic Modern Pentathlon

Rider attire may be somewhat less formal than that used in hunter riding. An approved ASTM/SEI equestrian helmet with a harness is always required, however, and is a practical necessity to protect the rider's head in the event of a fall. Tall boots are required, usually black. Spurs are optional, but commonly used. Breeches are traditional in color, usually white, tan, or beige.
 At approved competitions, depending on sanctioning organization, a dark-colored coat usually is worn (although under the rules of the USEF tweed or wash jackets are allowed in the summer and lighter colors are currently in fashion), with a light-colored (usually white) ratcatcher-style shirt and either a choker or stock tie. In hot summer weather, many riders wear a simple short-sleeved "polo" style shirt with helmet, boots and breeches, and even where coats are required, the judges may waive the coat rule in extremely hot weather. Gloves, usually black, are optional, as is the plaiting of the horse's mane and tail. At FEI Grand Prix levels, tradition is very strong and riders dress in a more formal manner. White shirts and breeches are worn with black boots. Members of some national teams, including the United States, may be seen in red jackets, a color reserved only for riders of the Grand Prix level; otherwise international competitors usually wear a dark navy jacket, sometimes with national insignia added.
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